Saturday, September 20, 2008

First Post

well, here I am people. Made a new blog for myself and my pledge on LoA server >> Sanatarium

I'm Individual and Deceit is my royal. Right now its just a small pledge and I'm not sure if its going to grow any time soon if it all. But anyway, on to the reason I made this blog.

XCootKnightX needs to stick to botting, its apparently a much stronger area of expertise to him than fighting and subsequently trashtalking. So here you go man, in your full glory =)




anyway, I should be posting a bit more often pretty soon I hope I just work alot and I don't get to spend too much time playing, and when I am I'm usually just wasting time like I shouldn't be, but I got some good friends who kick my ass when they need to, and I'm thankful for that guys.. lol


haha, love you too Scott <3 just don't stand too close to me in town kk?

Anyway, I gotta go so play nice kids

- Jay

1 comment:

Alithis said...

can't lvl if u are standing around watching fights..